How to create multiple medium accounts

Knowing how to create multiple medium accounts is necessary to reach more people

Parvaiz Yousuf
6 min readJun 4, 2022

Is it possible to have more than one Medium account? Or, how to create multiple medium accounts? This guide will walk you through the steps and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of having numerous Medium accounts.

For writers and bloggers, is one of the most cutting-edge writing platforms on the market. If you get more people to read your posts, you win. This is because you’ll be able to make money from it.

Anonymous posts aren’t something that all writers are comfortable with publishing. If you don’t want to share some content with your primary account, then setting up numerous accounts is your best bet. So, ever thought, Can I create multiple medium accounts? In this article, I will be shedding some light on the same.

Understanding Medium

Before getting into detail Can I create multiple medium accounts at one time? I will shed some light on what Medium actually is. “A place to write, read, and interact,” reads Medium’s website. You may not have had information about it before. Because it is a publishing platform with a social networking component.

The more you publish, the more widely your works will be distributed to people who have in the topics you write about. It also has an easy-to-use interface, making it simple to publish your work. It’s not the first blogging platform, in case you were curious.

Pre-Medium web 2.0 sites like, Blogger, and Tumblr are still in use today.

Can I create multiple medium accounts at the same time?

Yes, you can create multiple medium accounts at one time. They allow you to create maximum accounts. You can use these to reach more people. However, you should always gather more information or visit their site for the same. Remember, you should also know how to create multiple medium accounts. The next section in this article will discuss the same. Keep reading.

How to create multiple medium accounts?

  • Second (or third) Medium accounts can be created in the same way as a new blog is created. Create a second account with the following considerations:
  • Remember knowing how to create multiple medium accounts is not tough at all. It is not possible to have more than one Medium account associated with the same email address. It is therefore necessary to have another email address in order to register a second account.
  • To accept payments, each account must have its own Stripe account.
  • If you want to avoid having to log in and out of many accounts all the time, you should use different browsers for each one.
  • Isn’t it exciting to be able to write for a living while doing it on Medium? We enjoy spending time on this site. It’s possible that using a pseudonym when creating a topic is a smart move.
  • Check out their policies on numerous profiles before signing up for a new account. As far as I can tell from my investigation, it’s absolutely legal to have more than one Medium account. It’s unclear if we may post our ideas anonymously here.
  • Only those profiles that explicitly state that they’re parody profiles can be made for celebrities.
  • This information can be found in the Medium Username/Publication Name Policy. Isn’t it exciting to be able to write for a living while doing it on Medium? We enjoy spending time on this site. It’s possible that using a pseudonym when creating a topic is a smart move.
  • Check out their policies on numerous profiles before signing up for a new account. As far as I can tell from my investigation, it’s absolutely legal to have more than one Medium account. It’s unclear if we may post our ideas anonymously here.
  • Only those profiles that explicitly state that they’re parody profiles can be made for celebrities.
  • This information can be found in the Medium Username/Publication Name Policy.

Some important things to remember

1. Multiple accounts can’t be used to increase your earnings on Medium. You can only use it for the purpose of creating more accounts. It doesn’t matter what you post on Medium or how much money you make.

2. Having multiple profiles may allow you to cover a wider range of topics in your posts.

3. Remember that if you lose all of your accounts’ data, you’ll have to re-create them from scratch.

4. If you engage in aggressive affiliate marketing or CPA marketing on this site, your account could be suspended.

5. As long as you’re comfortable with the idea of distributing other people’s work, go ahead. There is no benefit to having many Medium accounts.

The benefit of publishing on Medium?

Divert traffic to your website

Because it’s free and already has a significant following, Medium is a great starting point for new authors. In order to attract visitors, traditional websites may require a lot of effort.

People who are already on this platform will find and read your content. If you include certain keywords in your postings, the odds are significantly better.

Because of this, you no longer have to worry about things like website growth, SEO, and so on.

This platform has an algorithm in place, just like social media sites do

To help you discover new authors and pieces that pique your interest. Publication on this site, as you might think, opens your work to a wider audience. This raises the likelihood that your writings will be read by a broader audience.

However, there is a chance that your writings will become well-known. Thanks to Medium’s large audience. For every additional reader, like or remark, you get more advantages. For instance, they are likely to include you in their newsletter. You’ll be able to see it on their home page, too.

With this platform, you can link your social media accounts too. Then, you can automatically submit your content to them. Thus, how to create multiple medium accounts becomes relevant here. Connect with your social media followers as a result of this information. If you’ve built relationships with people you know, you can take advantage. That is, you may be able to get them to follow you here.

Consider sharing your stuff on both your personal website and Medium

The distribution of your work may be better served by doing so. You can publish the same post on your personal blog as well as on this site.

Advantages of creating multiple medium accounts

1. You can use a pseudonym to reach more people

Medium contributors frequently produce their own content. A second profile is a common desire for writers as they become more familiar with the site. Thus, you should surely know how to create multiple medium accounts at one time.

In this second level, you can remain anonymous by using a pseudonym. The answer to your inquiry about whether or not it is possible to create multiple Medium accounts at the same time has been provided. You can, however, do your homework first.

Having a second profile provides many writers, including myself, a sense of independence. Where they can produce their own content has given them a new sense of independence. They can write their own stuff.

2. Writers can earn more money if they write for a wide range of readers

The more profiles I have for each of my publications, the more money I can make. So, it is necessary for you to know how to create multiple medium accounts to be successful.

How does this help?

As a precautionary measure, you may want to divide your posts. A writer who excels in a variety of niches will find this to be true. Your entire profile may also be muted since they only want to read some of your content.

3. Your second account might serve as an administrator for your writing projects

The administrator account is a regular feature in larger publications. Medium’s most popular publication, The Startup, has a profile of its own. You can use the second “admin” account to post and answer questions. This enhances the publication’s visual appeal.



Parvaiz Yousuf

A master’s in zoology, science journalist and a flexible author. Here, I help people with earning money. Our other blogs: